Friday, October 18, 2013

Teheran Today

This article of October 18, 2013, from the New York Times, suggests that many of the issues confronting the women in Persepolis remain important. The women here are still worried about "increasing personal freedoms" and "taking the much-hated morality police off the streets." The article observes:
With the advent of autumn and cooler temperatures, the morality police are less noticeable but still present at central crossroads and shopping centers, warning and arresting women who show too much hair or wear clothes that are too tight or revealing.
One woman notes:
“I did vote for Rouhani because he promised that women like me would be able to go on the streets without being bothered over our clothes,” said Mrs. Bagheri, who said she had been arrested several times by the morality police. “At least the patrols are less for now.”

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