Monday, December 2, 2013

Human Rights in New Hampshire

Though my own town was too small to have any active human rights organizations, on the state level New Hampshire has many groups which advocate for human rights, the most prominent being the New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights as well as the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice. The New Hampshire Commission fights for human rights on a much broader scale. It was established with the purpose of eliminating discrimination in employment, public accommodations and the sale or rental of housing or commercial property due to many different factors. It also helps to aid those who want to file a discrimination claim and also educates people on their basic human rights on the state scale.
The Lantos Foundation was established by Congress in honor of Tom Lantos and is based out of Concord New Hampshire. During his lifetime Lantos brought major concerns to Congress such as violence against women, killings in Darfur and the Congo, and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. He also brought attention to the lesser-known causes, such as abuses against Tibetans, the Kurds, the Burmese, and indigenous people on every continent. This organization was established to, in his words, to carry out "the noble banner of human rights to every corner of the world."

It was really interesting to do more research on Human Rights on the state level because it applies what we have been talking about in class to a more personal and practical level.

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