Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Westchester County Human Rights Commission

The Westchester County Human Rights Commission is an organization that works to promote human rights in education, housing, employment, and public spaces throughout Westchester, New York. Some of the specific goals of the organization include using advocacy and education to eliminate discrimination within the county and globally, investigating human rights violations and pursuing the offenders, and protecting individuals from discrimination and unfair treatment. The website offers information about the organization and its goals, shows how to file a complaint, and provides a copy of the Westchester County Human Rights Law, which was signed in 2000. This law, as the website states, makes it "unlawful to commit discriminatory acts in employment, housing, public accommodation and credit against individuals because of their group identity based on their race, color,  religion, ethnicity, creed, age, national origin, alienage or citizenship status, familial status, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability."

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