Sunday, November 3, 2013

Action for Women's Rights

Hillary Clinton, a well known supporter of gender equality, has yet again called the nation to action in support of women's rights. This article tells about her speech on gender inequality. She says that gender inequality is the "great unfinished business of the 21st century" and discusses how no country can grow to the best extent possible when it is denying contributions of women, making up half of the population. Hillary Clinton is a perfect role model for young women today and is a prime example of a woman who has broken through the glass ceiling. I encourage anyone who is interested in gender equality and women's rights to listen to some of her speeches on the subject. She is a very empowering speaker and clearly has a lot to say on the subject.


  1. My absolute favorite quote from this article is when Hillary Clinton stated, “Human rights are women's rights. And women's rights are human rights, once and for all.” Though we often think that America is this extremely modernized and progressive country, it’s also extremely important that we have a long way to go in order to make complete equality a reality. It’s also essential to remember that our country was founded that ‘all men are created equal’ which truly implies that all white, property owning, heterosexual men had complete rights. It’s vital to continue on this path of progress and to never accept partial equality as a necessity.

  2. On the topic of Hillary Clinton, this link has a video definitely worth watching, on her take on abortion, . She certainly doesn't fear displaying her passion on the topic as you can see in the clip.


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