Sunday, November 3, 2013

More Support for Gay Rights

Since Kiss of the Spider Woman has to do with homosexuality and gender identity, I found this article that has to do with the growing support of gay rights. There is more hope for the passing of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would prohibit employers from discriminating against employees due to sexual orientation of gender identity. There is more bipartisan support of gay rights legislation than ever before which shows how our nation is starting to shift their views towards a more liberal and accepting side. According to a recent survey, there is a much larger support for acceptance of homosexuality in a ratio of 2-to-1. Compared to ten years ago, this is a great change. Before it was more evenly divided, but now citizens are becoming more open and accepting, which is great news for all people who are of a sexual orientation or gender identity out of the norm.


  1. It is so interesting when it talks about how the separation between members who oppose and support the act comes from age, not necessarily which party they identify with. It illustrates how younger generations are more accustomed to the acceptance of homosexual rights because they have been exposed to the idea from a young age. It shows how some issues are more important than party lines- such as equality for all kinds of people.

  2. Following Altman's logic from the footnote on pg 154, it will be interesting to see what the future looks like regarding homosexuality as an agent for political change, since he claims it loses its force as it sets its own norms, which is what seems to be happening with this bill (this may be a stretch, but still slightly relevant).


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