Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Paris Underground

As we have learned, most of the films that the characters reference and connect with in the novel are based on actual films. When Molina tells of the second film that is clearly a piece of Nazi propaganda, it is unclear whether or not it is based off of an actual movie, as it wasnwith the first film. I recently found a short post stating that the story is believed to be based off of a composite of multiple Nazi films strung together with an American film from 1945 by director Gregory Ratoff called The Paris Underground, also sometimes known as Madame Pimpernel. In this link I have included the internet movie database of the film that gives a summary of the plot. While the plot of Molina's film is clearly not directly taken from The Paris Underground, the summary of the film shows some similarities between the actual film and the film from the novel that would suggest why some believe it is partially derived from it.

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